Welcome to the Duax Lab Web Interface

Below are links to some of the scripts written in the Duax lab. They are coded in perl and should run as is. I havenŐt yet generated help files for them yet so it might take some playing around with them before you get them to work. All programs are distributed as is and protected under the GNU general public license.


Links Description Documentation Papers

Give it a list of Swiss-Prot accession numbers it outputs the amino acids sequences in fasta format

Input Swiss-Prot accession numbers, PDB, or fasta list. Generates output on the nuceotides

Covarience Analysis Program

Input a pdb ID and the program gets all pdbs with 30% or greater sequence ID that are picked up by HSSP

put a swissprot acc list and out put a fasta or workfile list.

Utility program that edits output from codonanalysis.pl

Website maintained by: Bobby Huether- Questions?